
Name Category Domains Description
Contentful CMS 1,403 Contentful is a headless content management system (CMS) that allows users to manage and deliver content across different platforms and devices. It provides a flexible and robust API for developers to access and integrate content into their applications.
Confirmit Survey 101 Confirmit is a leading software platform for market research, customer experience, and employee engagement. It provides a range of solutions for collecting, analyzing, and reporting on data gathered from various feedback channels such as surveys, social media, and customer interactions.
Componentator Web Frameworks 29 Componentator is a website technology that allows users to search for and find various web components and their usage in different libraries and frameworks.
Cloudinary CDN 96,108 Cloudinary is a cloud-based image and video management platform that provides a comprehensive solution for uploading, storing, managing, transforming, and delivering media assets. It offers features such as image and video optimization, responsive delivery, and media analysis.
CKEditor Rich Text Editors 82,303 CKEditor is a popular WYSIWYG text editor that is commonly used for creating and editing content on websites. It provides a user-friendly interface for formatting and styling text, as well as for incorporating multimedia elements such as images and videos.
Chevereto Photo Galleries 2,122 Chevereto is a powerful and customizable image hosting script that allows users to create their own image hosting service similar to Imgur or Flickr. It provides features like user management, image organization, social media integration, and customization options.
Chart.js JavaScript Graphics 71,514 Chart.js is a JavaScript library for creating interactive and customizable charts and graphs on websites. It provides a simple and flexible API for creating a variety of chart types, including line, bar, pie, and more, with options for customization and interactivity.
Chargebee Payment Processors 3,816 Chargebee is a subscription management and billing solution that helps businesses manage their recurring billing and subscription-based services. It offers features such as subscription management, billing automation, revenue recognition, and dunning management.
CacheFly CDN CDN 4,855 CacheFly CDN is a content delivery network that helps to accelerate the delivery of web content such as images, videos, and other static assets by caching them on servers located closer to the end users. This helps to reduce latency and improve the overall performance of websites and web applications.
Bugzilla Issue Trackers 2,259 Bugzilla is a web-based general-purpose bug tracking system that allows developers and quality assurance personnel to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product.