
Name Category Domains Description
Bold UpSell Ecommerce 10,344 Bold UpSell is a website technology that allows online merchants to create personalized upsell and cross-sell offers to increase their average order value and drive more revenue.
BlueHost CDN Content Delivery Network 1,989 BlueHost CDN is a content delivery network offered by BlueHost, a web hosting company. It is designed to improve website performance by delivering web content to users from the closest server location, reducing latency and improving page load times.
Bing Ads Advertising Networks 93,067 Bing Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that allows businesses to display their ads on the Bing search engine. It offers tools for keyword research, ad creation, and campaign management to help advertisers reach their target audience.
Backbone.js JavaScript Frameworks 18,280 Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows for the creation of client-side web applications and structures code to be organized and modular.
Avangate Ecommerce 1,422 Avangate is a digital commerce solution that enables software and SaaS companies to sell their products online through multiple channels. It provides a platform for e-commerce, subscription management, global payments, and digital rights management.
Autoptimize Widgets 350,553 Autoptimize is a WordPress plugin that helps optimize website performance by combining, minifying, and caching scripts and styles, as well as implementing other performance improvements.
Atlassian Jira Issue Collector User Feedback 333 The Atlassian Jira Issue Collector is a tool that allows users to embed a feedback form on their websites or applications, enabling visitors to submit feedback directly to Jira as issues. This helps organizations gather feedback and bug reports from their users more effectively.
ASP.NET MVC Programming Languages 104,584 ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework developed by Microsoft, which implements the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. It provides a structured way to build dynamic web applications, separating the different aspects of the application (i.e., input logic, business logic, and UI logic), allowing for better maintainability and testability.
Ant Design JavaScript Frameworks 6,887 Ant Design is a design system for enterprise-level products. It provides a set of high-quality UI components and style guides to help developers and designers create consistent and professional-looking interfaces.
Amplitude Analytics 9,659 Amplitude is a web and mobile analytics tool that helps businesses track user behavior and engagement to optimize their products and user experience.