
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Tony Deese tde*** Account Executive Manning, SC, US
Navien Krishnan nkr****** Data Architect and Splunk Consultant Glen Allen, VA, US
Olivia Romero oli********** Sequoia Financial Services Business Development Manager Financial Services California, United States
Michael Ross mro** Managing Partner Nashville, TN, US
Andrew Pascal and*** PLAYSTUDIOS Founder, Chairman and CEO Computer Games Burlingame, CA, US
Paul Mathews pau* PLAYSTUDIOS Founder Computer Games Las Vegas, NV, US
Yossi Sadoun yos** PLAYSTUDIOS Chief Product Officer Computer Games Tel Aviv District, Israel
Jason Hahn jas** PLAYSTUDIOS Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate and Business Development Computer Games Santa Monica, CA, US
Chad Hansing cha* PLAYSTUDIOS Chief Technology Officer, Technical Founder Computer Games Austin, TX, US
Katie Bolich kat** PLAYSTUDIOS Head of Product Computer Games Burlingame, CA, US