
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Joel Morales joe********* Alvotech EVP and Chief Financial Officer Biotechnology Research New Jersey, United States
Jacqueline Abbas jac************* Alvotech VP Program Head, Portfolio and Alliance Management Biotechnology Research Beaconsfield, GB
Ruth Ruffieux rut********** Alvotech VP Clinical Operations Biotechnology Research Zürich, ZH, CH
Philip Caramanica phi************** Alvotech Chief IP Counsel and Deputy General Counsel; Alvotech USA Inc. Biotechnology Research Arlington, VA, US
Ann Merchant ann********* Alvotech Board Member Biotechnology Research Munich, BY, DE
Jannes Verheyen jan************ Legal and External Relations Director Brussels, BE
Eric van Dalsum eri************ Director Hospitality Antwerp, BE
Agata Wysocka aga********** Registered Nurse Tessenderlo, Flanders, Belgium
Caroline Plasria car************* Quality Manager Boortmeerbeek, Flanders, Belgium
Gina Tutwiler gin* Marketing Director Louisville, KY, US