
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Thiago Anunciação thi**************** Achievemore Software Engineer São Paulo, SP, BR
Felipe Machado fel*********** Achievemore Analista de dados State of São Paulo, Brazil
Kaio Bordini kai********* Achievemore Analista de teste and QA State of São Paulo, Brazil
Stephanie C. ste********* Achievemore Analista de Projetos State of São Paulo, Brazil
Sara Johnson sjo***** ProChange Behavior Solutions Co-President and CEO Business Consulting and Services South Kingstown, RI, US
Par Ridder pri**** Chicago Tribune Media Group General Manager Advertising Chicago, IL, US
Seth Crothers scr****** ProChange Behavior Solutions Senior Vice President of Technology Business Consulting and Services Rockville, MD, US
Todd Panagopoulos tpa********** Chicago Tribune Media Group Director of Content for Visuals at Chicago Tribune Advertising Chicago, IL, US
Michele De Venuto mde******* Chicago Tribune Media Group Sr Director of Finance Advertising Chicago, IL, US
Monica Cates mca*** ProChange Behavior Solutions Scrum Master and Software Development PM Business Consulting and Services Atlanta, GA, US