
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Amber Littau amb********* WestStar Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. Client Services Manager Broadcast Media Production and Distribution Phoenix, AZ, US
Marcio Venzi ven** Chief Technology Officer - Latin America State of São Paulo, Brazil
Tariq et Tayeb et ***** Software Engineer - Service IT chez CASH PLUS and MOBILAB Casablanca-Settat, Morocco
Youssef Aitbich ait**** Ingénieur DevOps and Virtualisation Casablanca-Settat, Morocco
Meret Nader nad** Sales Staff None
Amber Reeves amb********* WestStar Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. Senior Graphic Designer Broadcast Media Production and Distribution Phoenix, AZ, US
Sergio C ser***** 3x Solutions CTO São Paulo, SP, BR
Nadja Pinheiro nad*********** 3x Solutions Relacionamento com o cliente Caucaia, CE, BR
Solange Moraes sol*********** 3x Solutions Analista de negócios São Paulo, SP, BR
Gabriel Pereira Lazaro gab******************* 3x Solutions DESENVOLVEDOR FULL-STACK JÚNIOR None