
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lisa Rimmer lis******** Director Of Sales And Digital Operations United Kingdom
Benjamin Falk ben********** Data Analyst Paris, Île-De-France, France
Magali David mag********* Responsable des ressources humaines Asnières-sur-Seine, FR
Ninon Hitta nin******** Attachée de presse Paris, FR
Hugh Lewis hle*** Cytonome COO Biotechnology Watertown, MA, US
Michael Morkos mmo**** Cytonome Director of Manufacturing and Sustaining Biotechnology Massachusetts, United States
Michelle Kilimonis mki******* Cytonome Sr. Director Human Resources Biotechnology Westford, MA, US
JoAnn Gifford jgi***** Cytonome Human Resources Manager Biotechnology Brookline, MA, US
Alberto Diaz adi** Cytonome Engineering Team Lead, R and D Biotechnology Burlington, MA, US
Carl Eckhardt cec****** Cytonome Software Engineer Biotechnology Bryan, TX, US