
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
James Kozik jam** Clearbox Systems Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer Defense and Space Manufacturing Melbourne, VIC, AU
Paul Solomon pau* Clearbox Systems Managing Director Defense and Space Manufacturing Sydney, NSW, AU
Tim Spitzer [email protected] Clearbox Systems Chief Product and Information Officer Defense and Space Manufacturing Canberra, ACT, AU
Greg Reid gre* Clearbox Systems Consultant Defense and Space Manufacturing Sydney, NSW, AU
Mark Linkson mar* Clearbox Systems Head of Software Engineering Defense and Space Manufacturing Canberra, Act, Australia
Albert Sztolc alb*** Clearbox Systems Graduate Software Engineer and Developer Defense and Space Manufacturing Adelaide, SA, AU
Dime Spasovski dim* Clearbox Systems System Engineer Defense and Space Manufacturing Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
Pascale Méroz pas*********** Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Rédactrice photo and Picture editor Book and Periodical Publishing Lausanne, VD, CH
Brankica Vujovic bra************* Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Head of Customer Service Book and Periodical Publishing Serbia
Laurène Chevalier lau*************** Ringier Axel Springer Media AG Digital subscription growth manager Book and Periodical Publishing Zürich, ZH, CH