
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Oren Petranker ore*********** Federal Building Passport Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Coffee Shops Cary, NC, US
Kimberly Bronson kim************* Federal Building Passport Associate Director Patient Care Services and Chief Nurse Executive Coffee Shops Fayetteville, NC, US
Lcasa Colleen Reilly lca***************** Federal Building Passport HUD-VASH (Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing) Program Coordinator Coffee Shops Durham, NC, US
Shawn-Lyn Sudaj sha************ Federal Building Passport Home Based Primary Care Dietitian Coffee Shops Durham, NC, US
Genevieve Embree gen************* Federal Building Passport Chief, Office of Public Health Coffee Shops Durham, NC, US
Luaine Maness lua*** Human Resource Manager California, United States
Brandon Rigdon bra*********** Federal Building Passport Visual Information Specialist Coffee Shops Mebane, NC, US
Jonathan Young jon*********** Federal Building Passport Staff Physician and Va Investigator, Clinical Sciences Research and Development Coffee Shops Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Norkeeta Evans nor*********** Federal Building Passport Program Specialist Coffee Shops Durham, NC, US
Gabrielle Cumberbatch gab****************** Federal Building Passport Advanced Medical Support Assistant Coffee Shops Cameron, NC, US