
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Peggy Moloney pmo***** O2COOL, LLC Vice President Sales + Marketing Manufacturing Sugar Grove, IL, US
Maren Couillard mco******* O2COOL, LLC Director Of Operations Manufacturing Chicago, IL, US
Bradlee Hicks bhi*** O2COOL, LLC Digital Marketing Director Manufacturing Asheville, NC, US
Jonathan Ramos jra*** O2COOL, LLC Associate Director of Brand and Product Development Manufacturing Glenview, IL, US
Benjamin Lerner ble**** O2COOL, LLC Associate Director of Ecommerce Manufacturing Evanston, IL, US
Marisa Colatorti mco******* O2COOL, LLC Director of Strategic Sourcing Manufacturing Toronto, ON, CA
Evelyn Feliciano efe******* O2COOL, LLC Procurement Coordinator Manufacturing Chicago, IL, US
Nate Etter net*** O2COOL, LLC Sales Channel Manager Manufacturing Boulder, Colorado, United States
Steve Jackson sja***** O2COOL, LLC Director of Sales Manufacturing Chicago, IL, US
Rocco Pugliese roc** Pugliese Associates President Government Relations Services Harrisburg, PA, US