
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Denise Starr den*** Chief Administrative Officer Walled Lake, MI, US
John Bellow joh* Vice President Holly, MI, US
Cyndi Thomas cyn** Vice President Detroit, MI, US
Joseph Angileri jos*** Presient and COO Detroit, MI, US
Stefano Invernizzi ste*************** wind tre CFO Telecommunications Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Pierre Obeid pie********* wind tre CIO Telecommunications Milan, IT
Maurizio Sedita mau************ wind tre Chief Commercial Officer Telecommunications Rome, Latium, Italy
Angela di Nonno ang************ wind tre Chief Executive Officer Office Telecommunications Milan, IT
Bruno Coletta bru********** wind tre Head of B2B Digital Sales Telecommunications Rome, IT
Francesco Barletta fra*************** wind tre Head of Ict and Innovation Telecommunications Rome, IT