
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Nic Beique nbe**** Helcim Founder and CEO Financial Services Calgary, AB, CA
Kaitie Weaver kwe**** Helcim Manager - Brand and Content Marketing Financial Services Calgary, AB, CA
Michael Nar mna* Helcim Head of Data and Analytics Financial Services Calgary, AB, CA
Cordell Finnson cfi***** Helcim Head of Infrastructure Financial Services Calgary, AB, CA
Tamara Carlos tca**** Helcim Software Developer Financial Services Calgary, AB, CA
Agnes Godin agn******** Finance Director Germany Germany
Jeff Colonna jef* President, CEO and Founder Moorestown, NJ, US
Harry Coyne har** Director of Operations and Equity Partner Lafayette, LA, US
Esau Washington esa* Vice President of Sales Lafayette, LA, US
Bailey Bobbitt bai*** Vice President Lafayette, LA, US