
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Larry Hovey lho*** ACRO Industries, Inc. Purchasing Commodity Manager Manufacturing Rochester, NY, US
Sean Mario sma*** Senior Vice President, Media Business New York, NY, US
Christian Bocka cbo*** ACRO Industries, Inc. Technician Manufacturing Rochester, NY, US
Audrey Rosen aro*** VP of Market Research New York, NY, US
Derek Winston dwi***** Vice President Finance New York, NY, US
Martin Goodenbery mgo******** ACRO Industries, Inc. Buyer and Scheduler Manufacturing New York, United States
John Whyte jwh*** Chief Medical Officer Washington, DC, US
Tony Noto tno** ACRO Industries, Inc. Sales and Marketing Manager Manufacturing New York, United States
Beth Buehler bbu***** General Manager and Senior Vice President, Webmd Rutherford, NJ, US
Allen Caruso aca**** ACRO Industries, Inc. General Manager Manufacturing Rochester, NY, US