
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Marc Friedman mar********** buildOn Chief Development Officer Education Stamford, CT, US
Brandon Worth bra********** buildOn Vice President of Marketing Education Chicago, IL, US
Trevar Mazza tre********* buildOn Vice President of Marketing and Communications Education Berkeley, CA, US
Deepa Mahajan dee********** buildOn Member of the Board Education San Francisco, CA, US
Frank Ertl fra******* buildOn CFO Education New York, NY, US
Sean Wessman sea********* buildOn Board Member Education Detroit, MI, US
Eric Donley eri******** buildOn Director, Salesforce Products and Program Data Education Bend, OR, US
Nicole Valentini nic************* buildOn Development Director Education Detroit, MI, US
Don Bradford dbr****** EnSafe President and CEO Environmental Services Memphis, TN, US
Phil Coop pco** EnSafe Chairman and Co-Founder Environmental Services Memphis, TN, US