
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Matthew Sena mat********* Creative Services and Video Production and Editing Nashua, NH, US
Geoffrey Ritchie gri***** Mawer Investment Management Director, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary Investment Management Mississauga, ON, CA
Nolan Rourke nol********* Creative Specialist Chelmsford, MA, US
Craig Senyk cse*** Mawer Investment Management Chair of the Board of Directors Investment Management Canada
Marie-Claude Lepage mle**** Mawer Investment Management Chief Compliance Officer (USA) Investment Management Toronto, ON, CA
David Buchanan dbu****** Mawer Investment Management Director of Individual Client Management Investment Management Toronto, ON, CA
Peter Lieu pli** Mawer Investment Management Portfolio Manager Investment Management Calgary, AB, CA
Ted Griffin tgr***** Co-Founder Chattanooga, TN, US
Jennifer Huskins jhu***** School Principal Chattanooga Valley, GA, US
joanna crozier jcr***** Mawer Investment Management Business Communications Writer Investment Management Canada