
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Thaven Mudaly tha*** Owner Durban, KZN, ZA
Hoosen Salot hoo*** Sales Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Bilal Shiek bil** Sales Representative Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
David Bosse dav******** Cole International Vice President, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs International Trade and Development Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Gustavo Penagos gus************ Cole International Social Media Coordinator International Trade and Development Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Gladys Dela Cruz gla************* Cole International Aspiring Accountant-CPA Designation International Trade and Development Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Steven Nernberg ste************ Cole International Controller International Trade and Development Calgary, AB, CA
Nicole Gordon nic********** Cole International Marketing Manager International Trade and Development Calgary, AB, CA
Mike Tucker mik* Chief Technology Officer Farmington, MI, US
Barb Land bar* Executive Director Detroit, MI, US