
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ron Berry ber** University of Louisiana Monroe President Higher Education Monroe, LA, US
Hope Young you** University of Louisiana Monroe Director of Public Relations Higher Education Monroe, LA, US
Susan Chappell cha***** University of Louisiana Monroe Executive Director, Advancement, Foundation and Alumni Relations Higher Education Monroe, LA, US
Michael Davis dav** University of Louisiana Monroe Director of Facilities Higher Education Monroe, Louisiana, United States
Bill Graves gra*** University of Louisiana Monroe Chief Business Officer Higher Education Monroe, LA, US
Ashanti Jones jon** University of Louisiana Monroe Director of Clinical Education- Assistant Professor Higher Education Monroe, LA, US
Mahesh Menon mah*** Co-Founder Cherry Hill, NJ, US
Shanker Koladi sha**** Co-Founder Philadelphia, PA, US
Jerril Kala jer*** Co-Founder Philadelphia, PA, US
Chippy Benny chi*** Project Coordinator Delhi, India