
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Nicole Sacaan Amunategui nsa*************** Sub gerente de Compras y Desarrollo de nuevos productos Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile
Andreas Magnusson and**** Marknadschef and Marketing Manager Stockholm, SE
Ugur Korkmaz ugu* Algemeen directeur The Hague, ZH, NL
Milo Bolender mbo****** Frontier Adjusters Inc SVP and General Manager Insurance Independence, OH, US
C.lee Barker cba**** Frontier Adjusters Inc President and Owner Insurance Hilton Head Island, SC, US
c.lee Barker cba**** Frontier Adjusters Inc President and Owner Insurance Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, United States
Mary Gross mgr*** Frontier Adjusters Inc Customer Service Manager and Sales Liaison Insurance Cleveland, OH, US
Janine Remarque jre****** Frontier Adjusters Inc Owner and General Adjuster Insurance Queensbury, NY, US
Scott Pyle spy** Frontier Adjusters Inc Claims Adjuster Insurance Saint Simons Island, GA, US
Charles Bonal cbo*** Frontier Adjusters Inc Idependant Insurance Adjuster Insurance New Mexico, United States