
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Melissa Chando mch**** Human Resources Director Cherry Hill, NJ, US
Tiffany Timmons tti***** Associate Director, Global Event Operations Philadelphia, PA, US
Rob Abbott rab**** CEO and Executive Director Edmonton, AB, CA
Dennis May dma* Hopebridge Chairman of the Board Mental Health Care Indianapolis, IN, US
Chris Sutton csu**** Hopebridge Chief Marketing Officer Mental Health Care Indianapolis, IN, US
Kim Strunk kst**** Hopebridge Founder and Chief Clinical Officer Mental Health Care Kokomo, IN, US
Ben Seib bse** Hopebridge Chief Financial Officer Mental Health Care Indianapolis, IN, US
David McIntosh dmc****** Hopebridge Chief Executive Officer Mental Health Care Atlanta, GA, US
David Malatestinic dma********** Hopebridge Vice President, Information Technology Mental Health Care Indianapolis, IN, US
Sallie Vicino svi**** Hopebridge Vice President Human Resources Mental Health Care United States