
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Juliette Maykovich jul***** BLS Instructor Stedman, NC, US
Michelle Gutierrez mic***** Regional Director of Operations Chicago, IL, US
Jennifer Morley jen***** BCBA Cary, North Carolina, United States
Kellen Petersen kpe****** AgentCubed VP Sales and Distribution - Property and Casualty Insurance Washington, DC, US
Kimberly Law kla* AgentCubed Account Manager Insurance Meridian, ID, US
Erik Bollinger ebo******* AgentCubed Software Development Manager Insurance Meridian, ID, US
Jennifer Williams jwi****** AgentCubed Software Developer Lead at AgentCubed Insurance Boise, ID, US
Cj Brennan cbr***** AgentCubed Sr. Implementation Project Manager Insurance United States
Andrea Campbell aca****** George Eastman Museum Chief Information Officer Consultant, Information Technology Strategist Museums Rochester, New York, United States
Lisa Seischab lse****** George Eastman Museum Vice President of Development Museums Rochester, NY, US