
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Derik Schmidt der**** Tilleke & Gibbins Manager, Marketing and Business Development (APAC) Law Practice Bangkok, TH
Khanittha Khunkhamta kha******** Tilleke & Gibbins Secretary Law Practice Bangkok, TH
Supasit Saypan sup****** Tilleke & Gibbins Senior Associate Law Practice Bangkok, TH
Phet Wongwan phe*** Tilleke & Gibbins Director, Human Resources Law Practice Bangkok, TH
Parach Intaralip par***** Tilleke & Gibbins Events and Public Relations Coordinator Law Practice Bangkok, TH
Robert Brown rbr*** Co Owner Scranton, PA, US
Dabina Donley dab*** CEO and Owner Vancouver, WA, US
Brittney Peltz bpe*** Internet Sales Manager West Hazleton, Pennsylvania, United States
Ray Pagano rpa**** Moog Space and Defense Group President Defense and Space Manufacturing Stone Mountain, GA, US
Eileen Twum eil*** Head of Operations London, England, United Kingdom