
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Luciene Maia luc**** Vice-Diretora State of Bahia, Brazil
Jaqueline Lessa jaq****** Gerente De Produçao E Marketing Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Joaquim Nery Filho joa**** Proprietário State of Bahia, Brazil
Thomas Acker tac*** Beltservice Corporation President Manufacturing Earth City, MO, US
George Rizza gri*** Beltservice Corporation Director of Sales and Marketing Manufacturing St. Louis, MO, US
Todd Olson tol*** Beltservice Corporation Director of Supply Chain Manufacturing St. Louis, MO, US
Rodney Roalsen rro***** Beltservice Corporation Director of Heavy Duty Products Manufacturing Vancouver, WA, US
Ribhe Elsalaymeh rel******** Beltservice Corporation Chief Financial Officer Manufacturing Wildwood, Missouri, United States
Kevin Gaddis kga**** Beltservice Corporation Plant Manager Manufacturing Huntersville, NC, US
Paul Hirschmann phi******** Beltservice Corporation Director of Lightweight Products Manufacturing Buford, Georgia, United States