
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Fabiana Lopes Ramos De Oliveira fab**************************** Professora No Instituto Federal Sul De Minas Campus Muzambinho Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rodrigo Cesar rod********** Técnico de laboratório State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Jakob Hansen jak** European correspondent Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Courtney Mesmer cme**** WorldatWork Vice President, Events » Global Leadership | Strategy | Innovation Human Resources Washington, DC, US
Scott Cawood sca**** WorldatWork Chief Executive Officer Human Resources Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Mihai Popoaca mpo***** WorldatWork President Human Resources Scottsdale, AZ, US
Dan Dever dde*** WorldatWork Vice President Business Development Human Resources Mesa, AZ, US
Elissa O'Brien eo'***** WorldatWork Vice President of Membership, Affiliates, and Customer and Partner Success Human Resources Providence, RI, US
Malika Terry mte*** WorldatWork Compensation Advisory Council Human Resources Atlanta, GA, US
Michael McCallum mmc****** WorldatWork Vice President Global Services Human Resources Orlando, FL, US