
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Xinghuo Zhu xzh* GOODIX Technology INC. Board Member Semiconductor Manufacturing Shenzhen, CN
Jinwen Xiao jxi** GOODIX Technology INC. Vice President of Global Research and Development Semiconductor Manufacturing Austin, TX, US
Janakan Sivasubramaniam jsi************* GOODIX Technology INC. Senior Director of Engineering and Product Development Semiconductor Manufacturing Irvine, CA, US
Danna Eddy ded** GOODIX Technology INC. Vice President Of Engineering Semiconductor Manufacturing Phoenix, AZ, US
Arturo Polizzi art*********** ProMedica Chief Executive Officer Healthcare Toledo, OH, US
Kent Bishop ken******** ProMedica President ProMedica Physicians Group Healthcare Toledo, Ohio, United States
Dawn Buskey daw******** ProMedica President, Acute Care Division Healthcare Toledo, OH, US
Charles Meyers cha*********** ProMedica Chief Information Security Officer Healthcare Toledo, OH, US
Kate Sommerfeld kat************ ProMedica President, National Social Determinants of Health Institute Healthcare United States
Christy Stone chr********** ProMedica Senior Vice President - The Longevity Institute Healthcare Toledo, OH, US