
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Daniel Dellacona dan************* Shearman & Sterling LLP Chief People Officer Law Practice New York, NY, US
Manuel Orillac man*********** Shearman & Sterling LLP Partner Law Practice New York, NY, US
E Arsha Cazazian-Clement e.a********************* Shearman & Sterling LLP Director of Global Real Estate Law Practice New York, NY, US
Lona Nallengara lon************ Shearman & Sterling LLP Partner Law Practice New York, NY, US
Richard Alsop ric********** Shearman & Sterling LLP Partner Law Practice Wyckoff, NJ, US
Sergey Mandrik man**** Project Leader Tatarstan, Russia
Vladislav Malyshev mal***** Head of Recruitment and Methodology Offices Tatarstan, Russia
Andreas Bohn and********* CTO Hamburg, HH, DE
Karsten Meurer kar*********** Senior Software Developer Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Joana Große-Heidermann joa******************** Referentin der Geschäftsführung Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany