
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lela Pirashvili lpi******** Import Manager Georgia
Pauline niellez pni***** Chargée de communication Moissy-Cramayel, FR
Denis Olry dol** Directeur Paris, FR
Linda Ladlani lla***** Directrice Paris, FR
Michael Fenn mfe** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Vice President Legal Services Boston, MA, US
Daniel Steinbrook dst******** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Vice President Legal Services United States
Martin Kemp mke** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Vice President, Intellectual Property Solutions Legal Services Boston, MA, US
Matthew Drayson mdr***** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Senior Partner Legal Services Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Radostin Pachamanov rpa******** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Director, Intellectual Property Solutions Legal Services Boston, MA, US
Charlie Kohl cko** Elysium Digital, LLC (a subsidiary of Aon Corporation) Computer Scientist and Expert Testifier Legal Services Belmont, MA, US