
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Adrian Carrizales aca******** Arrow-Magnolia International, Inc. Regional Sales Manager Manufacturing Richmond, TX, US
Mike Gorman mgo**** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Business Litigation Attorney and Partner and Executive Vice President Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Bryan Kress bkr*** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Director of Information Technology Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Matthew Brahl mbr*** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Director of Information Technology Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Andrew Zarda aza*** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Partner Law Practice Overland Park, KS, US
Colby Rieke cri*** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Attorney Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Ania Moncrief amo****** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Attorney Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Debbie Moeller dmo***** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Partner Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Larry Dowse ldo*** McDowell Rice Smith & Buchanan Facilities Manager Law Practice Kansas City, MO, US
Joel Montvelisky joe************* Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer Israel