
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Charles Mudede cmu**** The Stranger Critic Newspaper Publishing Seattle, WA, US
Anthony Hecht ahe*** The Stranger Head of Product Newspaper Publishing Seattle, WA, US
Nick Nelson nne**** The Stranger Web Developer Newspaper Publishing Seattle, WA, US
Grant Hendrix ghe***** The Stranger Customer and Client Support, Bold Type Tickets Newspaper Publishing Seattle, Washington, United States
Corinne Magin cma*** The Stranger Events and Promotions Intern Newspaper Publishing Seattle, Washington, United States
Steven Yamamoto yam***** MCI Capital Senior Software Engineer Investment Management Las Vegas, NV, US
Behnam Tahvildar tah****** Business Development Advisor Iran
Mohammad Abbasi abb*** Research And Development Engineer Iran
Anant Goel ana******* Milkbasket Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Technology Gurugram, Haryana, India
Anubhav G anu****** Milkbasket Head - Offline Marketing Technology Gurugram, HR, IN