
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ben Parker par**** Leasing Manager Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Joanna Harris har**** General Manager People New Zealand
Andrew Kashin and********** Riskified VP of Sales Machine Learning Florida, United States
Israela Tal isr******** Riskified Director Of Product Design Machine Learning Israel
Christian Palmer chr************* Riskified Sales Enablement Trainer Machine Learning New York, NY, US
Brina Beskovnik bri************ Riskified Travel Coordinator Machine Learning Israel
Luba Kavaleuskaya lub************** Riskified Assistant Controller Machine Learning Waldwick, NJ, US
Guy Machlev guy******** Riskified Director Of Development Machine Learning Israel
Shai Peretz sha******** Riskified Senior Vice President Of Engineering Machine Learning Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL
Kasia Muskała kas** Key Account Manager Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland