
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Eddy Tai edd***** Chief Information Officer Singapore
Burin Pavel bur******** Chief Commercial Officer Tianjin, Tianjin, China
Thomas Benedikt tho************ IgnisArt Creative Design Manager Tax and Legal Services Austria
Alexander Riavitz ale************** IgnisArt Creative Design Partner Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Douglas Griffin dou************ IgnisArt Creative Design Brand Marketing and Creative Services Denver, Colorado, United States
Ashley Zafaranlou ash*** Director, Partnerships and Campaigns New York, NY, US
Florian Eisenach flo************* IgnisArt Creative Design Technology Consulting and Chief Information Officer Advisory Vienna, Austria
Olena Chekmezova ole************* IgnisArt Creative Design Mrics, Senior Manager, Real Estate Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Mazin Sadiq maz******** Founder and CEO United Arab Emirates
Wail Sadiq wai******* Projects Director Dubai, United Arab Emirates