
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Catriona Wingate cat************* Head of Product- Banking and Payment Infrastructure London, GB
Toby Young tob******* Non Executive Director London, GB
Darrone Vaughan dar************ Director of IT Services London, GB
Tomaso Papetti tom*********** Head of Partnerships Milan, IT
Tim Meyer tim****** Beiersdorf Vice President US Sales Cosmetics Stamford, CT, US
Dorle Bahr dor******* Beiersdorf Head of Environmental Sustainability Cosmetics Hamburg, PA, US
Andreas Kiehl and********** Beiersdorf Vice President Finance Emerging Markets Cosmetics Dubai, AE
Gitta Neufang git********** Beiersdorf Employee Cosmetics Germany
Jörg Grünwald jã¶************ Beiersdorf Vice President NIVEA Marketing Germany Cosmetics Hamburg, HH, DE
Iain Holding iai********* Beiersdorf President Cosmetics New York, New York, United States