
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Michael Munroe mic**** Viafoura Chief Financial Officer Software Toronto, ON, CA
Allanah Weatherby all**** Viafoura Director, Ad Operations and Monetization Software Halifax Regional Municipality, NS, CA
Barbara Eng bar**** Viafoura V.P. Marketing Software Oakville, ON, CA
Jared Hou jar** Viafoura Business Development Representative Software Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bri Caspillan [email protected] Viafoura Business Development Representative Software Toronto, ON, CA
Dan Seaman [email protected] Viafoura Vice President Of Product Management Software Toronto, ON, CA
Scott Hewlitt sco** Viafoura Director of Software Engineering Software Toronto, ON, CA
Chet Tan che* Finance Manager Melbourne, VIC, AU
Vedran Tonsic ved*** Web Developer Prahran, Victoria, Australia
Michelle Savona mic***** Owner Prahran, VIC, AU