
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Akshay Chouhan aks*** CoFounder and Technical Evangelist Uttar Pradesh, India
Indrani Bhattacharya ind**** Business Development Manager Noida, UP, IN
Ayushi Jain ayu*** Associate lead Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Akash Gupta aka** Java Developer Delhi, Delhi, India
Sourabh Kumar sou**** QA Automation Engineer Noida, UP, IN
Arum Kang aru* Coffee Meets Bagel Co-Founder/CEO Consumer Services San Francisco, CA, US
Quincy Yang qui*** Coffee Meets Bagel CFO Consumer Services San Francisco, CA, US
Soo Kang [email protected] Coffee Meets Bagel Co-Founder/Creative Consumer Services San Bruno, CA, US
Will Wagner wil* Coffee Meets Bagel Chief Technology Officer Consumer Services Pacifica, CA, US
Dawoon Kang daw*** Coffee Meets Bagel Co-Founder, Chief Operations Officer, Head of Marketing Consumer Services Hong Kong