
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Delbert Ty del**** Coffee Meets Bagel Chief Marketing Officer Consumer Services Singapore
David O'Steen dav** Coffee Meets Bagel Director of Data Consumer Services San Francisco, CA, US
Yang Jieyu yan* Coffee Meets Bagel Head of Growth and Performance Marketing, Global Consumer Services Singapore
Alice Hwang ali** Coffee Meets Bagel Product Manager, Growth Marketing Manager Consumer Services Los Angeles, CA, US
João Paulo Ferreira joã***************** Chief Executive Officer Latin America São Paulo, SP, BR
Fábio Colletti Barbosa fã¡******************** CEO São Paulo, SP, BR
Jose Manuel Silva jos************** CEO Natura and Co Pay Latam, New Business and Innovation VP São Paulo, SP, BR
Joselena Peressinoto Romero jos************************ Chief Operating Officer State of São Paulo, Brazil
Felipe Stuff fel********* CTO and COO Natura and Co Pay Latam São Paulo, SP, BR
Renata Marques ren*********** CIO Latin America São Paulo, SP, BR