
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mitch Nadler mna**** Trader Joe's CFO Retail United States
Tara Miller tmi**** Trader Joe's Vice President of Marketing Retail California, United States
Max Lodge mlo*** Trader Joe's Chief Executive Officer Retail Saratoga Springs, New York, United States
Tracy Anderson tan****** Trader Joe's Retail Monrovia, CA, US
Catherine Rhodes crh**** Trader Joe's Vice President of Merchandising Retail Los Angeles, CA, US
Laurie Mead lme** Trader Joe's Vice President Human Resources Retail Los Angeles, California, United States
Laureen Driscoll lau************* Chief Executive, Providence Northern California Irvine, CA, US
Joe Yoder joe****** Chief Executive, Yamhill Service Area Portland, OR, US
Steve Burdick ste********** CEO Walla Walla, WA, US
Alec Stais ale******* Chief Investment Officer Renton, WA, US