
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jeff Collins jef********* CMO Spokane, WA, US
Pat Modrzejewski pat************* President Pasadena, CA, US
Jim Martin jim******* Sammamish, WA, US
Lori Asmus lor******* Chief Operating Officer Walla Walla, WA, US
Dave Underriner dav************ Portland, Oregon, United States
Frederic Laloux lal*** The Week Co-founder The Week Book and Periodical Publishing Ithaca, NY, US
Kevin Morgan mor*** The Week Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer the Week Publications, Inc Book and Periodical Publishing New York, New York, United States
Brigid Kennedy ken**** The Week Book and Periodical Publishing New York, NY, US
William Falk fal* The Week Editor in chief Book and Periodical Publishing New York, NY, US
Holden Frith fri** The Week Digital Director Book and Periodical Publishing London, GB