
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Faizan Ahmad fai*** Fashion Communication Executive Mumbai, MH, IN
Shubham Vijaghavne shu**** Fashion designer Mumbai, MH, IN
Neeraj Singh nee*** Mumbai, MH, IN
Shane Parkins sha** Managing Director Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Charlie Saponaro csa****** mra President & CEO Hospitals and Health Care Wellesley, MA, US
Christy Matheson cma****** mra Vice President, Coding Hospitals and Health Care Tulsa, OK, US
Sean Barron sba**** mra Director of Business Development Hospitals and Health Care Boston, MA, US
Donna DeCosta dde***** mra HR and Talent Director Hospitals and Health Care Marshfield, MA, US
Terry Conway tco**** mra Vice President of Operations Hospitals and Health Care Newton, MA, US
Devan Schenck dsc***** mra Account Executive Hospitals and Health Care Malvern, PA, US