
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
shane Crayton scr***** mra Hospitals and Health Care Wellesley, MA, US
Shane Crayton scr***** mra Hospitals and Health Care Wellesley, MA, US
con**** mra Hospitals and Health Care
David Jerrett dje***** Bay Towel Chief Executive Officer Textile Manufacturing Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
Jake Butz jbu** Bay Towel Chief Financial Officer Textile Manufacturing Green Bay, WI, US
Kate Thomas kth**** Bay Towel Vice President of People and Organization Textile Manufacturing Green Bay, WI, US
Shane Suda ssu** Bay Towel Vice President - Operations Textile Manufacturing Green Bay, WI, US
Sue Hedtke she**** Bay Towel Supply Chain Manager Textile Manufacturing Appleton, WI, US
Mark Thurow mth**** Bay Towel VP of Sales and Route Operations Textile Manufacturing Milwaukee, WI, US
Angela O’kray ao’**** Bay Towel Textile Manufacturing Green Bay, WI, US