
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Cale Anderson cal* WeLink Inc Computer Software Lehi, UT, US
Chad Allred cha* WeLink Inc Director Of Training and Quality Control Computer Software Orem, UT, US
Inthiyaz shaik int***** WeLink Inc Computer Software Pearland, TX, US
Christopher Marentis chr********* Surefire Local Business Intelligence Platforms Reston, VA, US
Jeff Gossman jef** Surefire Local Chief Operating Officer Business Intelligence Platforms Austin, TX, US
Michael Pierce mic***** Surefire Local President Business Intelligence Platforms Austin, TX, US
Mory Watkins mor** Surefire Local CFO Business Intelligence Platforms Washington, DC, US
Elizabeth Moore eli******* Surefire Local Business Intelligence Platforms Austin, TX, US
Bob Sheehan bob* Surefire Local Senior Vice President, Client Services Business Intelligence Platforms North Andover, MA, US
Maureen Moran mau***** Surefire Local Chief Technology Officer Business Intelligence Platforms Washington, DC, US