
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Neal Callahan nca****** Sycomp Chief Operations Officer Software Los Altos, CA, US
Chris Elgaaen cel***** Sycomp Vice President, Global Operations Software Walnut Creek, CA, US
Murray Jukes mju*** Sycomp CFO Software San Mateo, CA, US
Allen Shahdadi ash****** Sycomp Vice President of Global Sales Software Clayton, CA, US
Saurabh Saxena ssa**** Sycomp Global Vice President of Engineering Software Alamo, CA, US
Carmen Antonian can****** Sycomp Partner Relations Manager Software United States
Bill Rainey bra**** Sycomp General Counsel Software California, United States
Olya Luke olu** Sycomp Partner Program Manager Software Chandler, AZ, US
Christophe Moustirats cmo******** Sycomp Sales Director Software Redwood City, CA, US
Krishna Rangasayee kri*************** Founder and CEO San Jose, CA, US