
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Jacob Kleehamer jac************ Derby Supply Chain Solutions Transportation Sellersburg, IN, US
Fred Koeck fre******* Derby Supply Chain Solutions Sales Manager Transportation Allentown, PA, US
Kerry Reinhardt ker************ Derby Supply Chain Solutions Transportation Louisville, KY, US
Shawn Lowe slo** Agri Supply Ecommerce Manager Retail Jackson, MI, US
Billy Whitley bwh***** Agri Supply Supply Chain and Logistics Manager Direct Distributors, Inc and Agmate Retail Selma, NC, US
Darryl Hickman dhi***** Agri Supply Sales Associate Retail Lawrenceville, GA, US
Stephen Koziara sko***** Agri Supply Inventory Control Clerk Retail Clayton, NC, US
Anthony Gottschalk ago******** Agri Supply Store Manager Retail Petersburg, VA, US
David Dick ddi** Agri Supply Grain Trader and Broker Retail South Holland, Netherlands
Sarah Stephens sst****** Agri Supply Human Resources Generalist Retail Clayton, North Carolina, United States