
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Michael Bernhardt mbe******* APR Supply Co. Chief Financial Officer Wholesale Middletown, PA, US
Terry Ludwig tlu**** APR Supply Co. Executive Vice President of Sales and Purchasing Wholesale Lebanon, PA, US
Teri R APR Supply Co. Vice President Marketing Wholesale Harrisburg, PA, US
Zachary Derr zde** APR Supply Co. Vice President of Supply Chain Wholesale Harrisburg, PA, US
Paul Harvey pha**** APR Supply Co. Purchasing Agent Wholesale Lebanon, PA, US
Teri Gilfillan tgi******* APR Supply Co. Vice President Marketing Wholesale Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Rene Numer rnu*** APR Supply Co. Director of Human Resources Wholesale Lebanon, PA, US
Scott Mummau smu**** APR Supply Co. Regional Operations Manager Wholesale Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Dustin Hollinger dho******* APR Supply Co. Distribution Center Manager Wholesale Lebanon, PA, US
David Pace dpa** President Los Angeles, CA, US