
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Ashley Rickman ash*********** RelaDyne Director of Marketing Oil & Energy Madisonville, LA, US
David Bright dav********* RelaDyne Director of Fleet Operations Oil & Energy Abilene, TX, US
Lydia Huffer lyd********* RelaDyne Talent Acquisition Oil & Energy Cincinnati, OH, US
Gene German gen******** Rally Health CTO Health San Francisco, CA, US
Ashu Tewari ash******** Rally Health VP of Engineering Health California, United States
David Czerwinski dav************* Rally Health Vice President, Product Health Los Angeles, CA, US
Alison Krogan ali********** Rally Health Vice President Marketing Health Saint Paul, MN, US
Darcy Provo dar******** Rally Health Vice President, Communications Health San Francisco, CA, US
Amrinder Sandhu amr************ Rally Health Director Of Engineering Health Mountain View, CA, US
Samuel Nissim sam********** Rally Health Director of Engineering Health Silver Spring, MD, US