
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Götz Thümecke gã¶************ REHAU Head of Portfolio Management REHAU New Ventures Construction Munich, BY, DE
Markus Reichl mar********** REHAU Head of Strategy and Sales Development Construction Erlangen, BY, DE
Mark Hudoba mar******** REHAU Vice President - Building Solutions Division Construction Phoenix, AZ, US
Linlin Dai lin******* REHAU Leadership and Development Design Construction Rehau, BY, DE
Martin Heisterberg mar*************** REHAU Managing Director Construction Denmark
Richard Hückel ric************ REHAU Director - Head of Project Construction corp. Construction Bavaria, Germany
Zhanna Balandina zha************* REHAU Head of Purchasing Group Construction Moscow, RU
Katherine MacNevin kat*************** REHAU Marketing Manager Construction Washington, DC, US
Thorsten Schlueter tho*************** REHAU Head of Group Strategy and Development REHAU Group Construction Rehau, BY, DE
Charlie Altman cha*********** REHAU IT Manager Americas Construction Leesburg, VA, US