
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lauren Villanueva lvi******** Vice President, Alumni Engagement Syracuse, NY, US
Luis Romo lro** Program Coordinator-Interim Director, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Tampa, FL, US
Dave O'Donnell do'******* Syncsort Vice President of Financial Planning and Analysis Software Winchester, MA, US
Flavio Santoni fsa***** Syncsort Chief Executive Officer Software Woodcliff Lake, NJ, US
Terrie Prescott tpr****** Syncsort Vice President, Legal Software Concord, NH, US
Harvey Tessler hte***** Syncsort Founder Software Mahwah, NJ, US
Stephanie McGrath smc***** Syncsort Senior Director of Human Resources Software Frisco, TX, US
Jeevan Chowdary jch****** Syncsort IT Manager - Datacenter Operations Software Bengaluru, KA, IN
Jim Lukens jlu**** Syncsort Enterprise Account Executive | Big Data | Security | Cloud | Virtualization | Ha\dr Software Villa Park, IL, US
Samantha Kastin ska**** Syncsort Software Engineer Software New York, NY, US