
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Vikash Kumar vik********* Automotive Technician Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Rahul Bharti rah********* Head New Delhi, Delhi, India
Mahesh Kumar mah********* Vice President Marketing Gurugram, HR, IN
Hena Kausar hen******** Vice President Logistics Gurugram, HR, IN
Patrick Carr pca** Syncro Medical President Software Development Langhorne, PA, US
Dale Van Aken dva****** Syncro Medical Chairman/CFO/CIO Software Development New Hope, PA, US
Lauren Clancy lcl**** Syncro Medical Director of Marketing and Client Experience Software Development Philadelphia, PA, US
Nadine A Syncro Medical Software Engineer Software Development Philadelphia, PA, US
Russell Hill rhi** Syncro Medical Vice President and General Manager Software Development Philadelphia, PA, US
Jr Defeo jde*** Syncro Medical Director, Business Development Software Development Blue Bell, PA, US