
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Cory Dorn cor****** Schreiber Foods Vice President, US Operations Food and Beverage Manufacturing Abrams, WI, US
Chip Smoot chi******* Schreiber Foods Board Member Food and Beverage Manufacturing Longmont, CO, US
Alan Kishbaugh aki******* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Vice President, Operations Biotechnology Research Gaithersburg, MD, US
Jonathan Klein-Evans jkl********* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Vice President and General Counsel Biotechnology Research Gaithersburg, MD, US
Thomas Sanderson tsa******* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Vice President of Human Resources Biotechnology Research Leesburg, VA, US
Lillian Quintero lqu****** MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Vice President, Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs Biotechnology Research Rockville, MD, US
Trevor Farrell tre*********** Schreiber Foods Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer Food and Beverage Manufacturing Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States
Hannah Copiskey han************ Schreiber Foods Associate Brand Manager Food and Beverage Manufacturing De Pere, WI, US
Tom DesRoches tde******* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Vice President, Sales and Distribution Biotechnology Research Charlotte, NC, US
Ryan O'Shea rya******** Schreiber Foods Industrial maintenance mechanic Food and Beverage Manufacturing West Bend, WI, US