
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Cindy Zychowicz czy******* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Director Clinical Operations Biotechnology Research Reisterstown, MD, US
Sophana Say ssa* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Instruments Technician Biotechnology Research Washington, DC, US
Dorothy Lea dle* MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Buyer Biotechnology Research Rockville, MD, US
Nicholas Sammons nsa***** MESO SCALE DIAGNOSTICS, LLC. Research Associate Biotechnology Research Rockville, MD, US
Gary Lortie glo**** SciAps Inc. CFO and Co-founder Appliances Millis, MA, US
Michael Drummy mdr**** SciAps Inc. VP Engineering R and D Appliances Boston, MA, US
Charles Gillies cgi***** SciAps Inc. Director Appliances Melbourne, VIC, AU
David Day dda* SciAps Inc. CTO Appliances Boxford, MA, US
John Egan jeg** SciAps Inc. Engineering Manager Appliances Middleton, MA, US
Katerina Doudkin kdo***** SciAps Inc. Software Engineering Manager Appliances Andover, MA, US