
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Liz Nguyen lng**** Vertafore Chief Technology Officer Software Denver, CO, US
Gareth Walter gwa**** Vertafore Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Software San Francisco, CA, US
Teresa Chia tch** Vertafore Chief Financial Officer Software Hanover, NH, US
Kayla Greenwalt kgr******* Vertafore Vice President Marketing Software Denver, CO, US
James Thom jth** Vertafore Chief Product Officer Software Denver, Colorado, United States
Jeff Hawn jha** Vertafore Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Software Seattle, Washington, United States
Jim Vasil jva*** Vertafore Senior Vice President, Finance and Operations Software Denver, CO, US
Matt Brown mbr*** Vertafore Vice President - Central Sales Software Englewood, CO, US
Maggie Warren mwa**** Vertafore SVP, General Counsel Software Denver, CO, US
Traci Mumm tmu** Vertafore Content Specialist Software Broomfield, CO, US