
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
David Jegou dav******** Vesuvius GmbH Vice President Supply Chain - Advanced Refractories Chemical Manufacturing Lille, FR
Swarnali Choudhury swa*************** Vesuvius GmbH Manager HR Chemical Manufacturing Kolkata, WB, IN
Howard Nolan hno*** Softheon Chief Financial Officer Software Development Stony Brook, NY, US
Robert Mosquera rmo****** Softheon Chief Information Officer Software Development New York, NY, US
Jeff Maxwell jma***** Softheon Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Software Development Portland, OR, US
Rob Adhikari rad****** Softheon Vice President - Healthcare Solutions Software Development Los Angeles, CA, US
Tom Cohen tco*** Softheon Executive Vice President, Healthcare Solutions Software Development Portland, OR, US
Marc Bryant mbr**** Softheon Vice President - Healthcare Solutions Software Development Freehold Township, NJ, US
Rob Miller rmi**** Softheon General Manager and Senior Vice President, Government Solutions Software Development Stony Brook, NY, US
Kevin Deutsch kde***** Softheon General Manager and Senior Vice President, Health Plan Cloud Software Development Bayport, NY, US